Looking Inwards
Thank you for being here.
I'm Priyanka, a former investment banker turned itinerant writer. On my blog On My Canvas, I write about alternative ways of living and exploring.
My aim is to live by asking why rather than blindly following someone before me. And while I’m out challenging the norms, or, making my way not under fear or social pressure but through curiosity and logic, I write what I experience, learn, and read.
Personal growth ideas, cruising through the choppy waters of our emotional selves, writing tips, cultural biases, meditations on individual books, and travel narratives — you will find them all on my blog.
I had started my weekly newsletter in pretty early days of the blog. Over the years, the newsletter has evolved from a few quotes and questions. It is now a narrative with my newest writings, best reads from the week, and useful videos and audios from the web. You will also get personal updates about my life as an itinerant writer with offbeat travel photos and tips.
“Looking Inwards” is a behind-the-scenes. The writings I edit for days end up on the blog or on different platforms on the internet. But in the letters, you can also see the sowing, watering, and nurturing of the ideas before I harvest them. And this process is as important as the result (if not more).
I’m happy you have decided to come along on the journey. Hope you enjoy the letter.
How often do you send Looking Inwards?
I mostly send the newsletter once every week.
Is Looking Inwards free?
Yes, it is free. But as my blog On My Canvas remains ad-free and sponsor-free, I have started accepting donations on the blog. I don’t want to put the newsletter behind the paywall.
Why are you starting a new newsletter?
I had subscribed to a newsletter on your blog. Is this different?
I’m not starting a new newsletter. Those readers who have been with me know that I’ve been sending a free, weekly newsletter since almost five years now.
Newsletters are a good way to stay in touch with my community. Although I publish regularly on my blog I cannot share everything there. In the newsletter, I will share my latest writings, impactful books I read, best written, visual, and audio content from the web, personal updates, and travel photos and tips.
Thank you so much for subscribing!
If you have any questions, please send an email @ hello[at]onmycanvas.com.
- Priyanka